Sunday, April 3, 2022

Reflection of Key Moments

 Throughout this project, there were many times that we had as a group that helped shaped the project into the finished one we have right now. One of the pivotal moments that we had is when we first met up and started filming. This was a pivotal moment because it showed that filming the sense would not be that hard and that this entire project would not go as bumpy as we previously thought that it would.

One of the changes that we did do to the project was that we switched who would play Gabriel and who would play David. I was supposed to play the character Gabriel hence why the character was named Gabriel but the group felt that it would be easier to film with Isaacs's parents if the parents were speaking to Isaac and not me. 

Another thing that we changed in the portfolio project is that instead of Gabriel the main character having a dad we did not want to include him having a father figure as Isaac thought that it would add more to Gabriel's character.

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Kicking It Aice Media Portfolio Project

 This is Kicking it hope you enjoy it!  by Gabriel Rivera, Julia Winton, and Isaac Fleischer