Sunday, February 27, 2022
What Device were Going to Shoot on
The Evolution of our Story
At first, we wanted for there to be a soccer game happening in the opening scene but we late realized that it would be hard to have two entire soccer teams in our film. What we decided to change it to instead is the main character Gabriel and his best friend start off practicing in the fields. We decided this would be way easier to film because of the significantly less amount of people that we need to film him and his best friend practicing on a soccer field.
After Gabriel is done with his practice we want him to have a talk with his parents. We are still deciding if we want him to talk through a phone with his parents or if we want him to speak to his parents in person. But the idea that we want the parents to speak to Gabriel about is that they think that Gabriel is not going down the right route educationally. They think that he is not doing enough in school and that he needs to focus more on his academics.
Another thing that Isaac suggested is that we want a college coach to call Gabriel's parents and he said that he wants the mom to decline any requests that the coach is making for him to play soccer in college.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
We Started Making the Script
My group started making a script with camera shots and how the character feels in certain lines. We wanted to make the script so that it would be easier to outline where we out with the project. We also added in the emotions and the facial expressions that the character would make in order to make it easier to see what we wanted the character to look like in the future.
The Setting of our Intro
The setting of our project is going to take place in a soccer field near one of our parks. We decided to use one of the fields to portray our main character Gabriel playing a sport. We want to use some of our friends from school to play in this film so we can make it seem more realistic as there are usually more people playing on the fields.
The one that my group (Isaac, Julia, and me). were thinking of using is Vista park. We wanted to use these fields because the fields have a majority of soccer kids. With could ask the kids that are playing in the field if they wanted to be in our film or at least be extras.
Another park that Isaac suggested we could take a look at is Regional Park. The reason why Isaac wanted to use the park is that he likes the look of the park and the fields. He also said that the atmosphere is more family-friendly. In these fields, we could capture more family scenes as there could be families in the background speaking amongst each other.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Breaking Down the Plot
The plot of our Portfolio Project is to portray a teen who is going through the stage of his life where he has to decide whether he wants to continue his passion for sports or does he want to start a new point in his life where he goes to college and focuses on his grades instead. He battles this decision very heavily during the trailer with his parents not caring about his passion for his sport which discourages him from wanting to pursue soccer.
The Portfolio Projects Target Audience
The target audience of our portfolio project is teens that are in upper-middle-class. We think that this is the appropriate target audience due to the fact that many teens could relate to the athlete because he is also middle class and does not need to play a sport to get out of poverty. The athlete we are portraying is playing the sport because he enjoys the sport and not because he has to play for the financial gain of his family.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
The Introduction to our Athlete
The origins of our athletes are not the stereotypical rags to riches story that many other movies do. The athlete comes from an upper-middle-class family who does not struggle from problems financially and can pay for most of the colleges that the athlete wants to go to. We wanted to do a teenager that comes from a suburban household because we think that that would relate most to our target audience regular people that want to pursue sports.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Genre Research
Genre Research for the Portfolio Project
The genre that we decided to do for the portfolio project is Sports Drama. We decided that this genre is very prevalent in the current times and we have a lot of inspiration as me and my partner watch many movies and tv shows that are related to sports drama. We have drawn inspiration from shows such as All America.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Week One Blog
Week One blog
The approach that I am going to into the portfolio project is one where I will be patient with my team and listen to what they have to say instead of just taking control and filming the way that I want to. I will also go into the project with a lot of research about film and a lot more knowledge than previous projects due to the amount of media that I have consumed by more abundant than before. The initial plan that I have is to figure out a story for my project and how will it teach the audience a lesson or help them learn something important about themselves or the world. My team will brainstorm what the portfolio project will be about and what genre we plan to do our film on.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Music Marketing Blog Post #2
Music Marketing Blog Post
During the time of the project, our team researched in depth the subject of R&B. The song that we were given was a hit song during the '90s. The song was a very slow and romantic song about a guy who broke up with his girlfriend with who he was deeply in love and talks about how if he finds another girl it will be like his ex-girlfriend.
My team drew inspiration from these lyrics and decided to shoot our music video based on the lyrics. Our music video was about a man who was incredibly sad, angry, and reminiscent of his girlfriend. He writes a love song about his girlfriend and has flashbacks to the happy moments in the relationship.
The project did teach me a lot in terms of working and filming with a group that I haven't previously worked with before. It further exposed me to working with high-quality cameras since Nicole used an actual camera instead of her phone. This project will help me with the portfolio project because it has prepared me with editing and filming short scenese
Kicking It Aice Media Portfolio Project
This is Kicking it hope you enjoy it! by Gabriel Rivera, Julia Winton, and Isaac Fleischer

Today Julia and I discussed what type of music we are going to use for the background of our short film. Julia was saying that we have to u...
When my teacher was talking about the CCR I started to brainstorm ideas of what I should do after I saw numerous examples of what the previ...
At first, we wanted for there to be a soccer game happening in the opening scene but we late realized that it would be hard to have two ent...