Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Evolution of our Story

 At first, we wanted for there to be a soccer game happening in the opening scene but we late realized that it would be hard to have two entire soccer teams in our film. What we decided to change it to instead is the main character Gabriel and his best friend start off practicing in the fields. We decided this would be way easier to film because of the significantly less amount of people that we need to film him and his best friend practicing on a soccer field.

After Gabriel is done with his practice we want him to have a talk with his parents. We are still deciding if we want him to talk through a phone with his parents or if we want him to speak to his parents in person. But the idea that we want the parents to speak to Gabriel about is that they think that Gabriel is not going down the right route educationally. They think that he is not doing enough in school and that he needs to focus more on his academics.

Another thing that Isaac suggested is that we want a college coach to call Gabriel's parents and he said that he wants the mom to decline any requests that the coach is making for him to play soccer in college.

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Kicking It Aice Media Portfolio Project

 This is Kicking it hope you enjoy it!  by Gabriel Rivera, Julia Winton, and Isaac Fleischer