Sunday, March 6, 2022

Possible Future Audio Problems

 During the last class, we were discussing when and where we wanted to film and it had me thinking about the difficulty of filming outside in an open environment. I know this because I have filmed outside for previous film classes and the mic on the phone always picks up the wind and it makes it hard to hear people talking. 

For this reason, I proposed to Isaac that we should get a clip-on mic to put on the actors so that the audio would be much better to hear and more clear. After telling Isaac that he was very understanding of the problem and immediately looked up clip-on microphones on Amazon. He wanted to buy one because he also does videos on the side and could use the mic for the film project and for his side hobbies.

When I told Julia she also agreed that filing outside would be very hard to do with just the iPhone and not extra accessories to help the film. She suggested that we all pitch in to buy a clip-on mic from Amazon and we decided to do that.

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Kicking It Aice Media Portfolio Project

 This is Kicking it hope you enjoy it!  by Gabriel Rivera, Julia Winton, and Isaac Fleischer